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Expert, tailored consultancy
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With 35 years’ experience of hands-on property management, we are a focused, friendly team that is at the forefront of the market. We are dedicated to providing tailored consultancy advice and management - whatever the type of your residential or mixed-use project.
Whether you need our expert property and estate management consultancy services for a new build development or to review, optimise or audit an existing scheme, we can help you deliver the desired outcomes.
By providing expert advice at every stage of a building or development, we can help to optimise build costs, service charges and operating risks, as well as improving the level of service and customer experience for your stakeholders.
As the complexity of developments and their management arrangements continue to increase, the consultancy services we offer are intrinsically aligned to creating added value for you through successful project delivery.
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Design & development consultancy services
It is vital that the development’s design delivers efficient, easy to use operations and that it is aligned with future maintenance and service charge costs, customer commitments and the management framework.
Our huge wealth of operational experience and the data we have access to across our portfolio means we are able to provide real benchmarked comparators and costs to our clients, including ensuring design is fit for purpose.
We commonly start with a review of the design with a Design for Management report, working closely with your project stakeholders and client representatives. Typically commencing our services at RIBA Stage 2/3, we thoroughly consider the front and back of house areas from the perspective of the building management team, residents and commercial occupiers, as well as any estate, public realm and shared spaces.
Once the Design for Management review is complete we can develop a wide range of management, service and operating strategies. Our structured approach is tailored to each unique estate or building and contains clear deliverables used to measure progress. We work collaboratively with your team and use trusted, specialist consultants as required to achieve the desired outcomes.
This can include advice on planning, section 106 obligations and estate regulations. We can also review leases and work with your appointed solicitors to provide advice on legal management issues including landlord and tenant advice.
Our main design and development consultancy services include:
• Design for Management reports
• Lease analysis and reviews
• Estate regulations planning
• Service and operating strategies
• Estate and block management consultancy services including:
» Stakeholder engagement and management planning strategies
» Landlord and tenant advice
» Compliance and best practice advice
Service charge and financial planning consultancy services
Our wide-ranging service charge and financial planning services have enabled many of our clients’ developments to be a commercial success from the outset.
We have a strong track record in phased and complex budgeting with expertise in all types of residential and mixed-use development. We take a commercial approach to initial phase costs and can undertake Capex (reserve fund) planning and collection strategies including heat network set-up and operating budgets. We can work, as required, with our sister company SRVO who offer a wide range of surveying services.
At Rendall & Rittner we have considerable experience in modelling, setting and reviewing service charge budget structures and cost assessments that ensures an accurate development specific service charge is achieved.
Our advice on how to minimise service charge voids and budget for void liabilities, through scrutinising the phasing of units and services, can be a big win for our developer clients, enabling you to lessen financial exposure during the early phases of occupation.
We can also offer guidance on the legal and regulatory responsibilities relating to estate and service charge management.
Our main service charge and financial planning consultation services include:
• Service charge budgets
• Capex forecasts and collection strategies
• Estate management procurement budgets
• Service charge void and developer contribution budgets
• Heat network set-up and operating budgets
Estate management and customer services
Once construction is complete we can enable a smooth transition to the occupation of your building through our mobilisation team. Operating strategies developed pre-handover ensure a Soft Landings approach and optimised operational performance resulting in resident satisfaction.
In mobilising for the handover and use stages, we tailor project timescales and plans to ensure operational performance requirements and handover standards are agreed between all parties, thus ensuring a structured and clearly communicated handover plan.
Staffing is likely to be the single most expensive service charge item. Our staffing strategies can be critical in achieving the right balance between the expectations of our clients and their customers regarding personnel levels (if appropriate) and service charge costs.
This is also a great opportunity to invest in customer journey procedures to ensure compliance and standards of service are upheld from the outset. These can include disaster recovery plans and robust data protection impact assessments to ensure customer and client safety.
We can provide environmental consultancy services, including sustainability assessments to help clients minimise their environmental impact and enhance their sustainability practices.
Through our extensive experience of managing and running stakeholder engagement events we are perfectly placed to advise on creating programmes of events and activities to engage residents.
Our estate management and customer consultancy services include:
- Estate set-up strategies
- Estate operation strategies
- Staffing strategies
- Amenity management strategies
- Mobilisation and occupation strategies and services
- Handover and defects management strategies
- Customer journey procedures
- Heat network set-up and management strategies
- Data protection impact assessments
- Energy management and sustainability advice
Compliance, golden thread and Health & Safety services
Escalating statutory and regulatory requirements pose a growing challenge for developers as a series of major legislative changes emerge around building safety. Additionally all aspects of compliance require detailed and up to date knowledge. We have the insight, expertise and resources to advise on these complex matters, and we can dynamically pivot and adapt processes and strategies.
Fire safety is one of the most pressing issues facing the industry. The Building Safety Act has far-reaching implications as legislation comes into force. We are at the forefront of discussions regarding the ‘Golden Thread’ of information required about a building to keep people safe, now and in the future. This will form a crucial part of plans for buildings and, as the requirement for these records looms, we are well placed to answer the many questions around this topic.
Operationally our health and safety team, which includes dedicated Building Safety, Fire Safety Remediation and Technical Support teams, oversee safety for all our sites, while our policies and procedures provide a strong framework for compliance. This ingrained commitment to health and safety across the business makes it a top priority when advising clients.
Our main compliance, golden thread and H&S consultancy services include:
• Health and safety
• Building safety including the Golden Thread
• Legal and Company Secretarial
• Financial management
• Insurance
• Lease advice and reviews
• Warranty and maintenance including operation and maintenance manuals
Our senior team
Our consultancy team benefits directly from the expertise of senior board and team members including Ross Facta (Head of Consultancy), Jo Watson (Head of Business Development), and our Co-CEOs Richard Daver & Catherine Riva.
We can also work closely with a network of trusted partners, consultants and other contractors to leverage specialist additional resource where needed.
We are experienced working directly with client and project consultants.
Development Consultancy Services brochure 2025
Portfolio Highlights
Centre Point

High-end refurbishment of iconic grade 2 listed central London building, with new apartments, square, restaurants, office space and resident amenities.
Key services:
Design for management
Legal reviews
Service charge structures & estimates
Estate management strategy
Strategy to satisfy S106 agreement including: Outdoor seating management plans, and Public realm management plan
Royal Arsenal Riverside

A major regeneration of this historic London site comprising 4,126 homes to date, with multiple amenities, an Elizabeth Line station, Thames Clipper pier and parkland.
Key services:
Lease review
Service charge strategies as the scheme has evolved
Influence on design and public realm
Service charge for new Elizabeth Line station located on Royal Arsenal Riverside’s private land
One Thames City

1,417 luxury new homes in 12 buildings, with shops, restaurants and 120,000 sq. ft. of commercial space, centred around 2.5 acres of linear parkland.
Location: Nine Elms, London
Key services:
Design for management
Service charge strategy
Staffing strategies
Worked with the project consultants to agree estate management and service areas achieving more saleable space
New Garden Quarter

A contemporary development of 471 mixed-tenure homes and over 10,000 square feet of commercial space centred around 2 acres of green space.
Location: Stratford, London
Key services:
Service charge strategy
Staffing strategy
Commercial units strategy
Accreditations & Key Awards
We are a highly accredited, award winning business as recognised by the most respected bodies including: